Friday, January 11, 2008

VERY Long Time...NO BLOG!!!

Hey People..

It's been a while now since I have blogged..

My Christmas was amazing...Thanks for asking..

NewYears2008 was pretty cool...

JONES Soda ROCKS!!!!!!!!

I am still trying to figure out what "pc4pc" means...NO Idea!

We are already in our first weekend since back2school from the Christmas holidays..

My Stupid Bottom locker has become a problem...

I asked Shelby in tutorials what to do about it..[She works in the office]

And then Calloway told me that I couldn't do it... :[

It sucks..

Shelby & Kaulyn are obsessed with the Jonas Brothers... (I am NOT!)

Roberto is weird...So is Shaylan...

That's All..

Have a Good[Jones]Night!


1 comment:

Shelby said...

Haha. sounds like you have had a VERY Random-yet awesome due to my presence- week :D
Later on---of to blog myself :D