Monday, February 25, 2008

iFeel Like A Hero, and You Are My Heroine.

Just to let you title does not support the idea that I am a drug-addict!
Haha ;) It's just my new favorite song. Along with "Watching Airplanes" By Gary Allan.
English lately has been fun, yet hard.
TAKS Writing is coming up next week so that is probably why..
She is like "Transitions! Conclusion! Intro!" I was like "Eww! Ugh! Nooo!"
Today in LIFT, we went to the computer lab and I found at some interesting things...
  • Shelby's wicked typing skillz!
  • Christen knows nothing about Developing Countries!
  • Debt In Developing Countries do not interest me!

In science, I am working on my PowerPoint...but I'm falling behind. This past weekend at the Choir Solo&Ensemble contest I got a Superior Rating (Sssweeeeetttt!) However, (Notice My "Transition!") my ensemble recieved an "excellent" rating. I supposed that's good but I feel like we could have done much better. Apparantly, Blanton has a nice "color" to his voice...I'm thinking its hot pink... ;)

Sarah&I had a conversation which ended in "Sarah, just go play in Traffic!" and her response was "Go like a flagpole in Antarctica!"....Goooooodddd Timeeezzzz! We are finding out our LIFT competition results that determine whether we go to state or not...I am NERVOUS!! State isss sooo much fun!! Who knew instant messaging....wasn't so instant. According to Shelbeeezle. Last night, since I couldnt go to sleep...I listened to my iPod ALL NIGHT..and texted a lot too. The stupid fire alarms went off like 8 times today...but I gotta say..whoever did it is a STUDDD! At lunch, we convinced Tyson that Diego has a child living in Mexico. He didn't believe us so Diego showed him a picture of his baby cousin..and he BELIEVED IT!!! Then we told him that Payton's dad owns the whole AT&T Corporation and that he lives in a multi-million dollar house. lol! He believed that too!

I told Christen that she didn't seem like the "Athletic-Jock" type..and she was offended! (Sorrryyyy, Christen!) I haven't blogged in a while...but I have been really busy. Between Track, School, Homework, Having A LIFE, and other wierd unplanned activities with my family, it becomes pretty crazy! And one of my friends likes someone (Shelby knows, but I think she's mad) and he totally backed out on talking to her at lunch...idiot. But then again, he likes someone new everyday so its all gooood!

I should probably call BradyBonz cuz I havent talked to him in a long time, due to us no longer going to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of oz, with Stefan (Stephen, Christen's Brother) Those two crack me up!! Over spring break, I might make a movie, but I think too many people have plans so I think it will have to wait until my birthday. I have discovered the wierd dating/reality shows on MTV & VH1...Rock of Love, Flavor of Love, My Fair Brady: Maybe Baby?, Scott Baio is 46 & Pregnant, Real World/Road Rules Challenge, etc. My brother had a golf tournament today...lets just didn't go well. This should be a funnnn night. At least no homework!!!

Okay, Off to watch American Idol 7!
