Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"Do Us All A Favor, and Go Play In Traffic!"

My title today was inspired by: Brianna, Shelbizzle, Kaulyn, Christen, & Sarah! Paha.
Your probably wondering why I am becoming so blog-lazy!
Well, honestly I feel horrible with my mono and such..
However, I was enlightened when I found out that I had qualified for the Texas Future Problem Solving Program State Bowl Competition (where I place 2nd Last year, and went to the FPSPI International Conference). The down side is that Brady didnt make it. : ( Ehh, Make the best of what happens...It's Better than not going at all, right!?
Well, to help you know what this is a little better..It's our LIFT Class, we compete in a competition called FutureProblemSolving (FPS). Its difficult but the rewards (such as state&internationals) are amazing memories! Usually, about 19-24 students go to the StateBowl...(including Kaulyn, Christen, Sarah, & Brianna, who also made it to State this year). Shelby doesnt need LIFT. Cuz She pretty much DOMINATES is her Language Arts&&Computer Lit. classes..ANYways. State is approaching and my Team & I entend on competing at Internationals Again! haha..
Okay, TODAY.
I learned the amazing "Shoulder Dance" (or whatever its called) from Brianna! [ Shout Out ] :P
Today was unusually extremely boring..we did nothing but tests and reading...all day! Funn! NOT!
Soo...I went to the doctor after tutorials yesterday bcuz I had to go to the doctor to get blood tests.
I HATE HATE HATE any form of medical equipment,
needles, blood, scales, height-checker things, ear exams, all the stuff that you have to do when u get a check up..well they basically did that stuff and the dr. said I looked to be gettin well from mono, so NO BLOOD TESTS FOR COLTEN!!! Also, (you know me), I will be sure to keep you posted with TONS OF PICTURES FROM STATe...& GattiLand...if we goo. Haha...I have had some "good times, gooooood timeessssss." there. Anyways, gottago...But I will try to start bloggin more..
or as Brianna pointed out...
LIAR..You just LIE all the time!
(Mrs. Coach Summers!?) Allso , insiderrr...lol

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